Women’s role
Women’s role
Stichting Soka is happy to announce that it will be hosting the conference on “Fair Fashion, Design, Creativity and Women’s role”, aiming to explore the dynamics, challenges and ultimate goals of Fair Fashion, through the lens of fashion producers and consumer thinking. Day of reflecting on Fair Fashion, Women and Creativity.
Sunday October, 7th Women & Society
Adriana Costantino
Value of femininity in the life of our common globalized family (a reading of Mulieris Dignitatem JP II 1988)
Liesbeth van Erp
Women in religious art
Olivia Darby
Women making a difference
Plaats: Conferentieoord Zonnewende, Tilburgseweg 54 te Moergestel
Aanvang: 08:00
Informatie: secretariaat@soka.nl of tel. 0630175281
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Event info
- Van zondag 07 oktober 2018 08:00
- Tot zondag 07 oktober 2018 17:00
Stichting Soka is happy to announce that it will be hosting a Day of reflecting on Fair Fashion, Women and Creativity.